Home Couples & Family Psychology Technology During Dinnertime? Mother Says NO! II: Reasons and Benefits for not allowing technology during mealtimes

Technology During Dinnertime? Mother Says NO! II: Reasons and Benefits for not allowing technology during mealtimes

74 min read
A family of horses grazing.

Promoting Entertainment

Sally was the only participant who reported that a benefit of not allowing technology during mealtime was that it promoted her family members’ ability to find other forms of entertainment.

Sally described allowing her family members to find interest among themselves while at the dinner table.

They have to entertain themselves doing other things. (Sally, 1st interview)

Increasing Communication

Participants observed an increase in communication as a benefit associated with disallowing technology during mealtime.

Sally observed her children having conversations among themselves during mealtime.

Um, we talk. We talk. The kids are engaged. They’re present. (Sally, 1st interview)

 We’re . . . there. We’re looking at each other. We’re talking to each other. We’re noticing stuff, right? (Sally, 1st interview)

She noticed a growth in conversation as one of the benefits her family experienced while not having technology during mealtime.

It’s improved communication between us. It’s, um, allowed them to connect with themselves and, and, and just, um, have so many dimensions in their lives. (Sally, 1st interview)

For Olivia those communications that occur at the meal table provide entertainment and opportunities to debate without being rude to one another.

Great conversations. We talk about things that we’ve seen on the news or read in the newspapers. We argue about them. We don’t always agree. We, we give our points. Um, we, we discuss . . . We love to just dis discuss controversial things and we love to discuss things that, that aren’t controversial as well. (Olivia, 1st interview)

Promoting Social Skills

Participants reported that one of the benefits for disallowing technology during mealtime is that it promotes social skills such as joint problem solving, conversing with others, and disagreeing with others. They also noted how mealtime conversations helped to develop empathy and to teach nonverbal skills such as maintaining appropriate eye contact.

Sally reported one of the benefits is to teach her children to problem solve, to give opinions, and to suggest solutions.

The children are engaged in helping us solve our problems because when we give them, you know, the worst part of our day, they’ll talk about that and they’ll, they’ll give us suggestions. So we’re so engaged in each other’s lives that I don’t know how we would have even fit that segment anywhere else. (Sally, 1st interview)

Olivia reflected on the importance of educating their family members to have different opinions about things without disrespecting each other.

And I think it’s been a healthy part of our family to, to learn how to converse. (Olivia, 1st interview)

 We learn how to disagree without getting angry. We learn how to agree to disagree. We learn how to come to agreement when, when we do disagree about something. We learned to share and to ask about each other. My kids have learned empathy when somebody is having a hard day, to ask how are they feeling and how can we help and we support each other. And if somebody is being mean we’re all on that person’s side to, to, to help them get through it and do what we need to do to, to rectify the situation. Um, we’ve become closer. (Olivia, 1st interview)

Brie suggested that another benefit of not allowing technology during mealtime was that it made her family members engage with each other and helped to teach her children how to have meaningful interactions.

Um, eye eye contact. Um, talking about what happened in day. Um, having some time to just think you know. Um, just like that peaceful, quiet from all the busyness. Just, yeah it allows for that as well. Um, allows for fun, joking around. (Brie, 1st interview)

Providing a Quiet Atmosphere

Mothers believed that disallowing technology during mealtime has benefited family members insofar as it teaches them to learn how to relax and how to rest their brains.

Sally reflected on the importance of a relaxed environment.

It’s about relaxation, but relaxation where they’re using their minds and they do that. (Sally, 1st interview)

 Brie also reflected about a peaceful and calm environment.

Um, having some time to just think you know. Um, just like that peaceful, quiet from all the busyness. Just, yeah it allows for that as well. Um, allows for fun, joking around.

Yeah. So, I I yeah. I think probably just pulling away from all of the busyness that happens. And just having like a rest for your your brain. (Brie, 1st interview)

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