The Global Psychology Task Force has moved to a focus on perspectives and practices regarding the relationships between people — especially in a psychotherapy, coaching and consulting relationship. This series of conversations (what we have identified as “psychological laboratories is led by Dr. Richard Lim, a senior psychologist located in Singapore who is providing training, therapy, coaching and consulting in countries throughout Southeastern Asia. Here is a recording of this first conversation which builds on Dr. Lim’s reflections on Eastern philosophical perspectives as related to Quantum theory:
Here are key points from this laboratory:
- Relationships are co-creations of relating among those participating in the relationship.
- Our world is constructed each moment in our interactions with other people.
The Participants in this Laboratory:
Richard Lim, Psy.D. (Facilitator)
William Bergquist, Ph.D.
Jan Bouch, Psy.D.
Suzanne Brennan Nathan, Psy.D.
Karin Bustamante, Psy.D.
Mirasol Delmar, Psy.D.
Kevin Weitz, Psy.D.