Home Personal Psychology Health / Biology The Four Tiers of Health Psychology and Parkinson’s Disease

The Four Tiers of Health Psychology and Parkinson’s Disease

29 min read

Most common symptoms of Parkinson’s are uncontrollable shaking of the limbs, stiffness and difficulty in walking. The severity of symptoms for Parkinson’s is classified into five stages. Stage one is the mildest form, where unusual symptoms may occur but they do not interfere with daily activities. In stage two and three, tremors and stiffness may become more noticeable, and loss of balance can occur. It is usually in stage three that falls are most common. It is in stage four and five that Parkinson’s patients may lose their independence. They may have to rely on a walker or wheelchair, or in the more severe cases, are not able to live by themselves. Poor coordination can also lead to swallowing difficulties. Neurologists say this affects between 45 and 95 per cent of patients.

My Mother’s Experience

There is little recollection now the reason my mother had to seek help. And she was in Stage One. Again, I need to reiterate that it was totally unexpected and there was no warning. What happened after the diagnosis was a crushing defeat of her realization that she would eventually be reliant on others and the helplessness is being felt acutely even until today. During that period, we were dependent on the doctors to provide the information as Information Technology was not as easily available as it is now.

The support group was set up in 1996 a few years after she was diagnosed and she was encouraged to go for it. But the years in-between she moped and recluse herself. My father was busy with work and at the peak of his career. And my mother was a stay-at-home-mum working freelance as a nurse. Her diagnosis paralyzed her for a while and she refused all jobs thinking that she is not able to manage crisis if they were to occur. It was tough as I was going through my teenage phase. I was attempting to seek my identity while she was dependent on my presence, actually, I think she was clinging on to my presence.

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