Home Personal Psychology Health / Biology The Incidence of Anxiety and Depression in Physical Therapy Students: III. Methods

The Incidence of Anxiety and Depression in Physical Therapy Students: III. Methods

15 min read

After the test administrator read the HADS disclaimer to the participants, the informed consent form (ICF) was reviewed and handed to the subjects to read and sign. After all the participants signed the informed consent form, the test administrator collected this form. Following the collection of the ICF, a packet containing the HADS, the demographics questionnaire, and the newly designed anxiety/depression tool by Richard Wanlass PhD (appendix D) was provided to each subject. After all the participants received all of these items, they marked on their paper which response best described the most appropriate response for each question on the HADS and the other accompanying checklists.

After the completion of the HADS and the other accompanying checklists, the test administrator collected all of the test materials and placed the forms in a 9.5″ X 12″ manila envelope for eventual computation of the results. The Test Administrator was then allowed to answer any questions to further explain the study as needed, and to provide interested students with the office phone number for Clare Lewis at California State University, Sacramento for further information.

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