Home Personal Psychology Sleeping/Dreaming The Nature and Function of Dreams I. An Overview

The Nature and Function of Dreams I. An Overview

184 min read

One final observation offered by Walker (2017, p. 228) regarding the vital role played by REM coupled with high quality dreams as a vehicle for creative assembly of information contained in our memory:

Some may consider this informational daisy-chaining to be trivial, but it is one of the key operations differentiating your brain from your computer. Computers can store thousands of individual files with precision. Burt standard computers do not intelligently interlink those files in numerous and creative combinations. Instead, computer files sit like isolated islands. Your human memories are, on the other hand, richly interconnected in webs of associations that lead to flexible, predictive powers. We have REM sleep, and the act of dreaming to thank for much of that inventive hard work.

Dream Outcomes and Play: As I turn from the important points regarding the dream serving a problem-solving function, I find that the challenge of assessing dream outcomes comes to mind—especially if we acknowledge that dreams can be playful. How did Barrett’s artists, scientist and business strategists “know” that they had solved a problem or produced something of value? Barrett notes that “verification” is one of the problem-solving stages. How does this stage enter into the world of dreams? As in the case of playful behavior, an outcome might be envisioned resulting from the dream-based problem-solving process. Ultimately, the verification must take place outside the dream—if the product of a dream is to be taken seriously.

As I will note again at the end of this essay, post-dream processes are often just as important as the content generated in the dream if a specific function is to be successful engaged. I am reminded of a process called “discernment” that was engaged by Medieval mystics as they were seeking to convey messages for divine sources. These mystics often had great antennae to pick up these divine messages; however, they might also be receiving messages from less divine sources. Hence, they had to discern what was and want “divine.” A similar process of discernment must be engaged by those of us who are not mystics—but do wish to make use of ideas produced in our dreams.

There is another kind of outcome that moves beyond what Barrett identifies or what mystics are likely to do with the divine messages they receive and convey to other people. In addition to the identification of a specific solution to a vexing problem, the dream serves as a testing ground for action being taken regarding the solution. We can think of the dream serving as a “pilot test” for one or more solutions. As I will note shortly, the dream can also serve as a “dress rehearsal” for the actual enactment of the solution – or at least for presentation of the proposal solution to certain stakeholders (real or imagined).

It should be noted that playful dreams do not necessarily lead to waking action—nor to anything other than a mild sense of glee when we wake up. Perhaps the playful dream produces a waking smile and a bounce out of bed to face a day that should not be taken too seriously. In other words, dream outcomes need not be carried over into one’s waking life.

There can be some lingering emotions—the exhilaration I just mentioned or occasionally a bit of depression (as we realize that the real world is not quite as much fun or amenable to our playful interpretations). These emotions (if positive) can themselves be a gift for us. As some dream theorist suggest, the dream can serve as an inexpressive therapist. Or the playful dream can at least serve as an adult substitute for Mister Roger’s optimistic appraisal on television that everything is fine in the neighborhood!

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