Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #12. Quadrant I: The Original Johari Window

The New Johari Window #12. Quadrant I: The Original Johari Window

23 min read

Kevin feels that he was “railroaded” into the Treasurer position. The previous Treasurer retired from the Board, after serving in this position for many years (before Sheila assumed the position of Executive Director). No one else on the Board wanted to assume the position of Treasurer. There were “big shoes” to fill and Sheila had leaned heavily on the previous Treasurer for advice. There is one additional factor at play. Everyone on the board knows that Kevin is in a difficult position. The president of his high tech firm is one of Sheila’s closest friends and a friend of several other Board members. Kevin is very interested in doing a good job of working with Sheila and her Board, since this work could reflect favorably on his own career at the high tech firm. Kevin is certain that Sheila will let his president know how he is doing as Board Treasurer.

The stage is set for their meeting and interaction. They both have information to share with one another and both are willing to let certain aspects of their self be open to the other person’s view. We can diagram the interaction between Sheila and Kevin, using Joe Luft’s original model of dual windows interplaying with one another:

                                     Sheila                                                                          Kevin


1 = Quadrant One: Public Self 2 = Quadrant Two: Blind Self 3 = Quadrant Three: Private Self 4 = Quadrant Four: Unknown Self

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