Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #12. Quadrant I: The Original Johari Window

The New Johari Window #12. Quadrant I: The Original Johari Window

23 min read

First, Kevin may want to disclose more about his limited financial background and his uneasiness regarding the position of Treasurer. In doing so, Kevin would be moving information from Quad Three to Quad One.

                                  Sheila                                                           Kevin

This would lead to the following shift

                                     Sheila                                                      Kevin


Note: In my visual portrayal of Johari Windows throughout this book, I will be exaggerating changes in the size of panes. I realize that shifts in the “real” world are often much subtler; however, such subtlety can not easily be represented in these small graphic representations.]

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