Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #12. Quadrant I: The Original Johari Window

The New Johari Window #12. Quadrant I: The Original Johari Window

23 min read

Here is where the richness and complexity of Joe Luft’s original model comes to play. Sheila and Kevin may have created a larger Quad One relationship as a result of Sheila’s appreciative disclosure about her admiration regarding Kevin’s candor (Quad Three to Quad One). However, what about Sheila’s concerns regarding Kevin’s financial competence (his Quad Two blindness regarding Sheila’s skepticism)? If Sheila hasn’t disclosed her concerns can this really be called an “open” relationship? Will there be a self-fulfilling prophecy (of which I will say much more about this later) in which Sheila’s unacknowledged concerns about Kevin’s competence will contribute to Kevin, in fact, being less competent in his role as Treasurer? Will there be an “invisible barrier” between Sheila and Kevin? He knows something is wrong (leakage from Sheila’s third quadrant), but doesn’t know what it is.

Joe Luft’s original model is structured in a very dynamic manner, so that a shift in the size of one quadrant changes the size of one or more of the other three quadrants. When Quad One enlarges because of Quad Three disclosure, then Quad Two also enlarges:

Sheila’s Window [In interaction with Kevin]


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