Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #13. Quadrant One: Moving Beyond the Original Window

The New Johari Window #13. Quadrant One: Moving Beyond the Original Window

14 min read

                                                                        Relationship A
                               PERSON #1                                                                 PERSON #2

                                                                      Relationship B
                                PERSON #1                                                                 PERSON #2

In relationship “A,” both people are disclosing “like mad” to one another (Quad Three to Quad One), yet they are not disclosing anything about their perceptions of the other person (Quad Two to Quad One) (Quad Four remains unchanged). They are talking about everything except one another. It would be as if the person didn’t exist, except as a recipient of the other person’s disclosure. We could certainly hypothesize that there would eventually be tension in this relationship. This tension is likely to exist even if only one participant’s window is disjointed:

                                PERSON #1                                                                    PERSON #2

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