Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #18. Quadrant One: Continental School of Thought Regarding Interpersonal Needs and Quad One General Implications

The New Johari Window #18. Quadrant One: Continental School of Thought Regarding Interpersonal Needs and Quad One General Implications

35 min read

A person is authentic if she is consistent over time and if there is a match between words and actions. The four quadrants are in sync. A person is aligned if her values and aspirations are compatible with and attuned to decisions that this person makes and actions that she takes. Q1 becomes more transparent and reliable if there is not only authenticity, but also alignment. A person’s behavior is congruent with her personal values and life purposes when there is alignment. One’s personal energy is more available, a course of action is easier to set and sustain, and there is less likely to be discontent, alienation or burnout. Just as an automobile with aligned tires uses less gas, rides more smoothly, and creates less wear-and-tear on the tires and suspension, so alignment of one’s own values with one’s actions results in the expenditure of less psychic energy, smoother functioning, and less wear-and-tear on oneself as well as everyone around us.

In our engagement with Quad One in ourselves and in other people we must come to an appreciative understanding of self. This appreciation is, in turn, based on the recognition and use of our own distinctive competencies and the distinctive competencies in other people. What is special about us (appreciative perspective)? When we know what is special about us, why don’t we focus on this—use it as a platform for facing what we don’t know about ourselves (that may threaten us: Q2)? For example, if I am articulate (a good speaker), how do I use this strength to address feedback regarding my lack of technical expertise. I can talk a lot—which further reveals my lack of technical expertise—or I can pair up with someone who does have expertise (but perhaps is a bit shy or introverted) to become a spokesperson, teacher or salesperson for this person’s technical idea.

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