Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #19: Quadrant Two: The Blind/Opaque Area

The New Johari Window #19: Quadrant Two: The Blind/Opaque Area

28 min read

Here, then, is the current status of Sheila and Kevin’s interpersonal relationship, with regard to Quad Two. Sheila holds a fair amount of Quad Two information (observations, beliefs, assumptions, feelings) about Kevin that she is unwilling to share at this point, because: (1) she doesn’t want to “hurt Kevin’s feelings,” (2) she doesn’t want to risk messing up this important, functional relationship, and (3) she is uncertain about some of her initial impressions and speculations about Kevin. Kevin holds an even larger amount of information about Sheila in his second quadrant. He doesn’t want to share it because: (1) he doesn’t want to offend Sheila (this gaffe would undoubtedly get to his boss), (2) he wants to do a good job as Treasurer and needs Sheila’s support to be successful, and (3) he is unclear about the “rules of the game” regarding his relationship, as a male, with Sheila, a female.

Graphically, the relationship between Sheila and Kevin might look like this (with regard to Quad Two):

                                              SHEILA                                                                KEVIN

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