Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #20: Quadrant Two: Alternative Johari Models

The New Johari Window #20: Quadrant Two: Alternative Johari Models

11 min read

The Stabilized Interaction model requires that one of three changes occur. First, as in the case of the Disjointed Interaction, the second quadrant can get smaller. They can begin to share appropriate feedback. Kevin can share with Sheila that he appreciates her straightforward manner and her honestly regarding her own uneasiness regarding financial matters. Kevin indicates that this honesty on Sheila’s past will enable him to be more forthcoming regarding his own concerns and fears of inadequacy. With this feedback, Kevin’s window comes more into alignment:

                                        SHEILA                                                                     KEVIN

At the same time, or alternatively, Kevin can begin to disclose more about himself in relation to Sheila (Quad Three). He can reveal that he would like assistance in moving into the role of Treasurer. He might also disclose that he feels a bit uncomfortable about Sheila’s relationship with his boss. He might even ask Sheila if the two of them could determine what Sheila will and will not share with his boss (as well as what Kevin will and will not share with his boss—since Sheila might also be concerned about confidentiality).

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