Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #23: Quadrant Two: Interpersonal Needs

The New Johari Window #23: Quadrant Two: Interpersonal Needs

63 min read

First, it makes a big difference as to whether or not these other people believe that we want to be open with them (proactive openness) or we want them to be open with us (reactive openness). In the case of proactive openness, other people are likely to assume that we want to be open not so much because we say we do (Quad One), but because we are actively disclosing information about ourselves (moving material from Quad Three to Quad One). When it comes to the dimension of interpersonal openness, other people are more likely to believe our actions than our expressed intentions.

However, if we are disclosing quite a bit, then we are likely to be aware of our openness. It is not hidden from our view (Quad Two). On the other hand, if we are “leaking” from our third quadrant into Quad One and are unaware of this leakage, then other people are likely to see this not as a sign of openness on our part, but rather as a sign of our immaturity, insecurity or perhaps inability to monitor or control our emotions or thoughts.

There are several other scenarios to play out with specific regard to the settings in which other people recognize (or assume) that we want them to be open with us. First this need for reactive openness is likely to be in Q2 if we are highly vulnerable—to the extent that we can’t even acknowledge that other people could be of assistance to us. A woman with breast cancer or a man who is alcoholic might resist attending a support group for cancer sufferers or alcoholics. This woman or man might be unwilling (or unable) to acknowledge that they need (and would benefit from) other people being open with them about their own fears and hopes regarding cancer or alcoholism. It is hard to give these vulnerable people feedback about the need for openness in other people that might (or might not) exist in their second quadrant.

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