We can anticipate at some point that Kevin will feel impelled to disclose something, even if he continues to withhold some Quad Three information about Sheila with her and if he still is oblivious to his own untested assumptions and attendant fears.
Kevin’s assumptions (and perhaps even his fears) are likely to be altered only when he interacts with Sheila in a genuine and open manner (moving material from Quad 3 to Quad 1). As in the case of most (if not all) disjoined interpersonal relationships, tension exists and is only resolved with a shift (and alignment) among the widows. as well as about Sheila (Quad Two).
Kevin’s sharing might, in turn, lead to the sharing by Sheila of her own perceptions of and assumptions about Kevin (movement of Quad Three into Quad Two). It is then possible, as Kevin reacts to Sheila’s disclosure, that she will gain greater access to her own tacitly-held assumptions about how men relate to women in authority (or even to broader assumptions about men in general: their wants, needs and fears). At this point, Kevin witnesses how Sheila reacts to his disclosure and when she begins to disclose more about herself (expanding her own Quad 1). There just might be a moment of shared learning and insight as the windows of both Sheila and Kevin come more closely into alignment.