Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #27: Quadrant Three: The Locus of Control

The New Johari Window #27: Quadrant Three: The Locus of Control

77 min read

It should also be noted that Sam’s third quadrant (information regarding me) would no doubt expand. His Quad 3 could be filled with a lot of angry thought about me, along with some assumptions regarding by own bias and assumptions (especially with regard to him). Conversely, he might be appreciative of my disclosure about him and, therefore, incorporate some positive things about me in his third quadrant. If these are positive impressions about me, then he might move these impressions into his Quad One and share them with me. This could be the beginning of a more positive relationship between Sam and me (though perhaps one that becomes too much of “I like you and expect you to like me and tell me that you like me” – a bit of a “love fest.”)

The interplay among quadrants doesn’t stop here. If you look carefully, my Quad Two is now larger in size. This means that now there is a greater amount of information that Sam holds about me, which he has not yet shared. My feedback to Sam would, no doubt, evoke an impression of me by Sam. He might now see me as jealous, arrogant, insensitive, dangerous—at the very least a person to avoid in the future.

Alternatively, he might see me as a caring, sensitive person who is providing him with helpful feedback. It depends, in part, on how I deliver the feedback to Sam. It also depends on how Sam receives the feedback. My assumption (bias) is that Sam will not receive my feedback in a positive manner, and is likely to gain a very negative (and distorted) perception of me. As a result, I am unlikely to offer him the feedback, and if I do offer any feedback, I am unlikely to take his feedback to me (Sam’s Quad Two) very seriously:

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