Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #29: Quadrant Three: The Three Schools of Thought

The New Johari Window #29: Quadrant Three: The Three Schools of Thought

61 min read

The British School

The third quadrant has not been as intensively explored by the British school as has Quad Two. Nevertheless, when the British perspective—particularly the systems branch of the British school—is applied to Quad Three, some valuable insights emerge. I will focus specifically on the systemic dynamics associated with the role of “discloser” in an interpersonal relationship or group.

The Discloser

The level of trust in a group is no greater than that of the person who is least open (largest Q3). This general rule comes from the American School. The British School generally accepts this rule, but focuses on the other end of the continuum: the person in the relationship or the person whom the group has chosen to be the “disclosure.” (smallest Q3/largest Q1) This person most readily discloses not only her own personal feelings, concerns and hopes, but often those that are shared by the other person in the relationship or other group members.

In other words, the disclosure is the one who first opens the door. She either opens the door by simply speaking up first or opens the door after being invited to do so by the other person in the relationship or by other members of the group: “Why don’t you go first;” “So, what do you think?” “I bet that you have thought a lot about this issue, so why don’t you let us in on what you’re thinking?” “This seems to be your issue, so why don’t you talk about it first.” If none of these invitations seems to be working, there is always flattery: “You always seem to be the one who is clearest [wisest, most insightful, most candid] about what is going on in this relationship [group], so I [we] would greatly appreciate receiving your clarity [ insight, wisdom, honesty].”

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