Kevin Sheila
What specifically might occur? Luft is sometimes a bit vague at this point—especially with regard to what occurs outside a human relations workshop setting. Given that I might be presenting outcomes of which Luft himself would not approve, let me offer my own personal hypotheses regarding what could happen if Kevin and Sheila’s fourth quadrant material went through Quad Two and Quad Three to Quad One.
Outcome One—Significant Learning
Both disclosure and feedback tend to increase overall levels of trust (all three kinds). Higher levels of trust, in turn, tend to increase the chances that we will ask for and willingly provide support to one another. We know, in turn, from both Csikszentmihalyii and Sanfordii that if challenge is met by a comparable amount of support, then significant, highly motivated learning is likely to occur. This could happen with Kevin and Sheila. Kevin might learn about his own deep-seated fear of failing.