Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #35: A Final View

The New Johari Window #35: A Final View

116 min read

Other people treat them in a “special” way with a strong dose of respect (and sometimes anger or envy). The uniform and title help to create and reinforce isolating and restricting roles. Character armor is soon built and quad one shrinks in size and becomes stagnant. When the professional moves into a leadership role, then the restrictions, projections and de-skilling become even greater.

An executive coach who is sensitive to these painful dynamics can assist a professional, such as Derek, to recognize these powerful dynamics and to “forgive” themselves for not always being able to “manage” these dynamics. New ways in which to disclose and receive legitimate feedback from other people can be explored and tested. The process of casting off the character armor is not easy—especially since other people are colluding in keeping the armor in place. As Derek’s executive coach, Joe Luft might have been able to assist with this challenging change. We wish Derek success in expanding his own Quad One. As a dedicated servant in our society, Derek deserves to be set free.

8. There is universal curiosity about the unknown area, but this is held in check by custom, social training, and diverse fears.

The fourth quadrant is compelling, yet frightening. I have described it as a dynamic phenomenon that is aligned with what Carl Jung described as a numinous experience—the kind of awe-fullness that was first identified by Rudolph Otto. I have also noted that this thunderous and swirling numinous is somehow attractive. We are lured to the tragedy of an auto accident and to the death of many people during a seemingly endless war. Our own nightmares, daytime fantasies, and negative life narratives keep tugging at our conscious sleeves.

The researchers and theorist in the field of complexity and chaos studies write about strange attractors that pull in resources and energy. I would suggest that our fourth quadrant often operates like a strange attractor. It is not just a matter of curiosity. There is something much stronger operating that influences not only our unconscious life but also our third quadrant and indirectly our second quadrant. Ultimately, it even influences our first, public quadrant and shows up as Sigmund Freud noted many years ago in our slips of the tongue and most importantly in the way we view and interact with other people.

Case Example: Dianne is a very successful advertising executive who operates out of an office in Manhattan. She is at the “top of the world” in terms of both income and prestige. Married to an editor at one of the major publishing firms and the mother of two children (who are now adults and living elsewhere in the United States), Dianne feels that her dreams have been fully realized. She should experience nothing but “Bliss.” Yet, there is something that is nagging and snuffing out her “bliss.”

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