Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #6: Awareness of Self and the Postmodern Condition

The New Johari Window #6: Awareness of Self and the Postmodern Condition

35 min read

The Overwhelmed Self

The third sense of self relates closely to the first (saturated self), but certainly can be a reason to retreat to a minimal self (second self). In his book, In Over Our Heads, Robert Kegan describes the exceptional challenges associated with living every day in our contemporary world. He identifies the demands for very high-level cognitive processing among our leaders, our managers, and our parents:

. . .  the expectations upon us . . . demand something more than mere behavior, the acquisition of specific skills, or the mastery of particular knowledge. They make demands on our minds, on how we know, on the complexity of our consciousness. The “information highway” . . . may geometrically increase the amount of information, the ways it can be sent, and the number of its recipients. But our experience on this highway may be one of exhaustion (a new kind of “rat race” or “gridlock”) rather than admiration for the ease and speed of a new kind of transport if we are unable to assert our authority [internal locus of control] over the information. No additional amount of information coming into our minds will enable us to assume this authority; only a qualitative change in the complexity of our minds will.

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