Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Disclosure / Feedback The New Johari Window #3: Interpersonal Relationships and the Locus of Control

The New Johari Window #3: Interpersonal Relationships and the Locus of Control

64 min read

Internal and External Panes

Given this brief description of these two fundamental perspectives on life, let’s turn to the influence which these two perspectives have on interpersonal behavior and specifically the complex dynamics that operate in our New Johari Window.

Internal (I) Panes

Quad 1-I: Presentational Self
What I wish to convey to the world.
Quad 2-I: Blocked Self
What I choose not to receive from other people.
Quad 3-I: Withheld Self
What I purposefully don’t share with other people.
Quad 4-I: Unexplored Self
What I have not wanted to explore or do not have time or occasion to explore in myself.

Internal Window Panes

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