Home Personal Psychology Sleeping/Dreaming The Pelican: Structure, Dynamics, Function and Meaning of a Nightmarish Dream

The Pelican: Structure, Dynamics, Function and Meaning of a Nightmarish Dream

164 min read

The Dream

J: What’s been going through your mind? (the standard question)
K: (voice a bit hesitant, still waking up) I was dreaming, I think . . . . Yes, I was walking down a walkway that is raised above a garden filled with flowers. The sky all around me was bright red and I was walking, I think, from a building. I am in a wheelchair. I don’t know why I’m in the wheelchair. I have playing cards in my lap. I must be playing too many card games [said with a bit of humor]
I am going back in my dream. I was walking down the hallway in the building. And then I am back in my room. . . . I am looking at my dresser. There is a hairbrush on the top of the dresser. It is a brush with very soft bristles [said by Katherine in a very gentle tone.] It seems to be a child’s hairbrush. There is a name on the brush. .. . The name is “Pelican.” I don’t know why it is called that. I am looking in the mirror [she gasps] I don’t remember anything else!!! [she begins to softly cry] [long pause]
It was horrible!!!
J.: what was horrible!
K: my face. My face was horrible. Ugly, a big beak, scale-ly [said with a strong sense of disgust]. I am ugly. I throw the brush at the mirror and it shatters. [K weeps softly]
J: K, do you want me to bring you some water?
K: Yes, please [still crying]
J enters the room and gives K some water
K: It is horrible. I was a monster!
J leaves the room
K: I want to tell you more about the dream. I was wheeling myself down the raised walkway. There was a ramp and I . . . and I just rolled off the end of the ramp [K crises out loudly] There was nothing. I just rolled off the end! It was like I have to take all the tricks but have no trump. There is no hope. . . . That’s it! I can’t remember anything else. I am going back to sleep.
J: OK.

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