Home Couples & Family Psychology Child / Adolescent The Postmodern Life: A Psychological Perspective

The Postmodern Life: A Psychological Perspective

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Anderson, W.T. 1990. Reality Isn’t What it Used to Be. San Francisco: Harper and Row.

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Hossfeld, K.J. 1991. “Pondering the Post-modern Family.” SocialistReview3-4: 187- 194.

O’Hara, M., and W.T. Anderson. 1991. “Welcome to the Postmodern World.” Networker, September/October.

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Werner, E.E. 1979. Cross-Cultural Child Development: A I/Jew from the Planet Earth. Monterey, Calif.: Brooks Cole.

Whiting, B.B., and J.W.M. Whiting. 1975. Children of Six Cultures: A Psycho-cultural Analysis. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

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