Home Journals Edge of Knowledge The Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships

The Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships

23 min read

Interpersonal relationships are increasingly complex in our world of digital communication, volatile societal conditions, and the ongoing need (and desire) to connect with other people. The challenge of enhancing interpersonal relationships is particularly great for those involved in the helping professions—for they must address these concerns among their clients as the very nature of the helping role is itself changing as a result of these same complexities: digital interactions, volatile social settings and continuing (but often confusing) desires on the part of their client to be with other people and, at the same time, to find time alone.

Given this challenge, editors of The Future of Professional Psychology (in the Library of Professional Psychology) and editors of The Future of Coaching (in The Library of Professional Coaching) have joined together in the production and publication of this set of documents concerning the nature and dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships.

Following are the essays contained in this issue of The Future of Professional Psychology:

The Fundamental Elements of Interpersonal Relationships

Bergquist: New Johari Window

“Acknowledged as among the most insightful and useful models of human interaction, the Johari Window continues to be respected and often cited during the first years of the 21st Century. With more than 4.5 million sites on the Internet, this human interaction model is in high demand — yet nothing has been done to update the Johari Window since it was initially formulated by Joe Luft and Harrington Ingham on an Ojai California tree stump more than 50 years ago. The present book offered the first new, expanded version of the Johari Window. The New Johari Window provides fresh insights and useful concepts regarding human interaction, making use of now-classic concepts to be found in works written by a wide-ranging group of psychologists, psychiatrists and social analysts. This book also incorporates recent findings from the fields of social-cognitive psychology, social-neurobiology and behavioral economics.” This book is available For Free as a digital download.


The Desire to Connect

Brennan-Nathan: New Career Anchor–Connection

Edgar Schein has identified eight career anchors.  “When I reviewed Schein’s list, many of his anchors were important to me, but none felt primary. In my work, I like to have a flexible lifestyle and creativity. I am dedicated and passionate about treating trauma survivors and addicts. I like to enjoy financial security, but obviously, if making money was my priority, I would not have gone into the less than lucrative profession of social work or have enrolled in a clinical psychology doctoral program at age 60! I couldn’t select just one anchor. I was puzzled. What is the central purpose of my work and life? What, above anything else, makes my work meaningful? When I reflected on my career and various jobs, I noted that the work and school environments where I thrived were ones where I felt deeply connected to my peers, my colleagues, my group and my clients.”

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