Home Managing Stress & Challenges The Shattered Tin Man Midst the Shock and Awe in Mid-21st Century Societies I: Shattering and Shock

The Shattered Tin Man Midst the Shock and Awe in Mid-21st Century Societies I: Shattering and Shock

160 min read

A similar state of contradiction is to found among those in the emerging majority. As one of my African-American colleagues who is a political activist has shared with me: “I have no interest in seeking to understand and appreciative the viewpoints of my enemies, for I am in the business of defeating and even destroying them!” While there is an interest on the part of the emerging majority to fitting into the world of the white Anglo population (which is becoming a minority), there is also a strong interest in changing the patterns and policies of this population. Contradictions reigns supreme for those who see both the joys and challenges of increased freedom opening up to them. Do we become the equivalent of what many Native-Americans identify as “Apple-Indians” (red on the outside but white on the inside). Contradictions in the inside and outside of those in the emerging majority group can tear out their soul—even more than is the case for the liberal warriors.

Many questions of contradiction emerge in the world in which liberal warriors and those in the emerging majority. Do I seek understanding or victory. Do I appreciate those who oppress if this leads to appeasement? Do I charge forward without respect for the welfare of those I am seeking to annihilate? Am I regressing back to a black/white viewpoint (what Perry identifies as “dualism”) if I remain absolutely committed to my cause? How do I live with two belief systems and two versions of myself residing in my head, heart—and soul?

What about our previous residents of OZ? How do they handle the abundant contradictions existing in their 21st Century world. The Tin Man is told that he has nothing to contribute to the world—yet he is encouraged to keep trying in the world of philanthropy. His colleague, the Scarecrow is encouraged to be innovative and challenging in his teaching, but is fired when he had become too much “out of the box” in his teaching. Wilhelm Reich is applauded for his liberating views on sexuality and strongly influences the perspectives and practices of other therapists who engage the “energy” of their patients. Yet, he is considered a fraud and forced to leave many countries (notably Norway) where his work is not welcomed.

For one last time, we set up a graphic regarding a major polarity. In this case, the polarity is centered on the very notion of contradiction itself. The Left Column perspective would focus on Appreciating the value of each viewpoint or practice prior to choosing the best one. The primary concern from this perspective is to determine where the greatest truth is to be found and which option is most aligned with one’s personal values. The first step to be taken by Moshe Feldenkrais would be a full appreciation for the unique perspective and practice he has to offer. Though his work might not be gaining much traction at the present time, it is still worth sustained effort.

The Right Column offers an alternative perspective. It concerns Integrating diverse perspective and practices. The primary concern from this perspective is recognition that there is one (and only one) unified reality which can be viewed from multiple, complementary perspectives. The differing perspectives and practices that we encounter are only components of a larger, unified perspective or practice. For Feldenkrais this could mean seeing how his methods and viewpoints regarding mind/body integration aligns with and helps to complement the perspectives and practices found in other helping professions—that might be more wholeheartedly received than the Feldenkrais method. This has in fact occurred, with many physical therapy practices integrating Feldenkrais methods with more traditional physical therapy treatment modes.

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