Distinctions between relational push and pull, transactional and autotelic, and Extraversion and Introversion have been drawn in this essay. I will shift my attention in the next three essays in this series to Loneliness (with the potential push of Introverts into this state), and Social Constructions (with the potential pull of Extraverts into an uncritical acceptance of these constructions). In the fourth essay of this series, I describe some of the conditions that lead to appropriate pull by both Extraverts and Introverts toward transactional and autotelic relationship. Specifically, I reflect on the creation and maintenance of psychological containers, connections, and communities that produce what Robert Bellah and his colleagues (1985) identify as Coherence. I consider how this Coherence can be conceived (and produced) from both a secular and sacred perspective.
Bellah, Robert and others (1985) Habits of the Heart. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Bergquist, William (2020) “Leadership and Anxiety: Containment and Metabolism I: Anxiety in a VUCA Plus Environment. Library of Professional Psychology. Link: https://library.psychology.edu/leadership-and-anxiety-containment-and-metabolism-i-anxiety-in-a-vuca-plus-environment/
Bergquist, William (2023) Love Lingers Here. Harpswell ME: Professional Psychology Press.
Cacioppo, John and William Patrick (2008) Loneliness. New York: Norton.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi (1990), Flow. New York: HarperCollins.
Denworth, Lydia (2020) Friendship, New York: Norton.
Eysenck, Hans and S.B. G. Eysenck, S. B. G. (1969). Personality structure and measurement. New York: Routledge.
Jung, Carl (1971) Personality Types. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.
Laney, Marti Olsen (2002) The Introvert Advantage. New York: Workman Publishing.
Schutz, Will (1994) The Human Element. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Sommer Robert (1969) Personal Space: The Behavioral Basis of Design. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Waldinger, Robert and Marc Schulz (2023) The Good Life. New York: Simon and Schuster.