Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Cooperation / Competition The Wonder of Interpersonal Relationships VIa: Culprits of Division and Bach Family Members as Exemplars of Relating Midst Differences

The Wonder of Interpersonal Relationships VIa: Culprits of Division and Bach Family Members as Exemplars of Relating Midst Differences

77 min read


Complexity entails the multiplex of forces, the apparently inconsistent information flow, the sensitive interdependence of everything we touch, leading to the sense of confusion in which it’s hard to make smart decisions, steeped as we are in the moving dance of reality. It concerns the presence of many different things and events that simultaneously impact life and work. Systemically, we find that it is very hard to make sense of or even find meaning in that which is occurring every day. At the personal level we find that a considerable amount of time must be devoted to figuring out what is happening before making decisions or taking actions.


Ambiguity is the ‘haziness’ in which cause-and-effect are hard to attribute, relativity seems to trump established rules, weighing heavily on our ability to hold inconsistent data and still function and make choices. It concerns the presence of many things and events happening that are quite confusing and often not very easy to observe clearly and consistently. The Systemic impact centers on the fact that we can’t trust the accuracy of that which we see or hear or what “experts” tell us. It all gets very personal. We often must look and listen a second and third time to ensure that what is seen or heard is accurate.


Some things are moving rapidly, while other things are moving in a cyclical manner, not moving at all or moving in a chaotic manner. At the systemic level we find ourselves navigating through four subsystems that are all operating at the same time: (1) rapid change (flowing segment of the stream), (2) cyclical change (the stream’s whirlpools), (3) stability/non-change (the “stagnant” segment of the stream), and (4) chaos (the segment of a stream existing between the other three segments). At the personal level, we find that this condition requires a search for balance and direction—which in turn requires ongoing attention. We must be both diligent and agile.


Messages are being delivered all the time that are valid—but they often point in quite different directions. Contradiction concerns the frequent presence of radically different constructions and interpretations of reality and the differing meaning assigning to the reality that is being constructed.

In this VUCA-Plus world, credible advice is being offered by people and institutions that can be trusted—but the advice is often inconsistent. This is the systemic challenge. We must be ready to change our mind or at least be open to new perspectives and ideas. This is the personal challenge.

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