Home Organizational Psychology Intervention / Consulting The Wonder of Interpersonal Relationships VIe: Strategies for Sustaining Relationships Midst Differences

The Wonder of Interpersonal Relationships VIe: Strategies for Sustaining Relationships Midst Differences

93 min read

I offer the following list of interdependencies between the three domains.

Interrelationships: Information to Intentions

Type of Interdependence:

Dissatisfaction with the situation implies a particular
target as a standard of comparison
Any suggested target implies by comparison what
is unsatisfactory about the current situation

Interrelationship: Intentions to Ideas 

Type of Interdependence:

A target defines the results desired from any proposal
Any proposal embodies assumptions about the nature of
the desired target

Interrelationship: Ideas to Information

Type of Interdependence:

A proposal embodies assumptions about the causes of the
unsatisfactory situation and implies resources and requirements
for change
The situation places limits on the effectiveness and feasibility of acceptable proposals

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