Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Cooperation / Competition The Wonder of Interpersonal Relationships VIf: Webs That Sustain Relationships Midst Differences

The Wonder of Interpersonal Relationships VIf: Webs That Sustain Relationships Midst Differences

144 min read

There is also the matter of creating and maintaining a web of interdependence, collaboration and appreciation. Robert Macfarlane (2019, p. 113) can once again be our teacher in this regard:

“f there is human meaning to be made of the wood wide web, it is’ surely that what might save us as we move forwards into the precarious, unsettled centuries ahead is collaboration: mutualism, symbiosis, the inclusive human work of collective decision-making extended to more-than-human communities. You look at the network, and then it starts to look back at you. Writing of mycorrhizal fungi, Albrecht proposes that we rechristen the Anthropocene, naming it instead the Symbiocene – an epoch characterized in terms of social organization ‘by human intelligence that replicates the symbiotic and mutually reinforcing life­ reproducing forms and processes found in living systems … such as the wood wide web.”

As noted in the title of an Ursula LeGuin (1984) novel, the word for world is forest. And the word for the world of human beings as social animal is Mutualism (Macfarlane, 2019, p. 97)



Ariely, Dan (2008) Predictably Irrational. New York: Harper.

Bergquist, William (2003) Creating the Appreciative Organization. Harpswell, Maine: Pacific Sounds Press.

Bergquist, William (2020) Leadership and Anxiety: Containment and Metabolism I: Anxiety in a VUCA Plus Environment. Library of Professional Psychology. Link: https://psychology.edu/library/leadership-and-anxiety-containment-and-metabolism-i-anxiety-in-a-vuca-plus-environment/

Bergquist, William (2021) Enriching the Dialogue: The MAPS of Coaching.  Library of Professional Coaching. Link: Enriching the Dialogue: The MAPS of Coaching | Library of Professional Coaching

Bergquist, William (2023a) The CPOA Catalogue of Assessment Instrument.  Library of Professional Coaching. Link: https://library.psychology.edu/the-cpoa-catalogue-of-assessment-instruments/

Bergquist, William (2023b) The Wonder of Interpersonal Relationships VIb: Abraham Lincoln as an Exemplar of Relating Midst Differences. Library of Professional Psychology. Link: https://library.psychology.edu/the-wonder-of-interpersonal-relationships-vib-abraham-lincoln-as-an-exemplar-of-relating-midst-differences/

Bergquist, William (2023c) The Wonder of Interpersonal Relationships Vid: Sustaining Relationships Midst Differences. Library of Professional Psychology. Link: https://library.psychology.edu/the-wonder-of-interpersonal-relationships-vid-sustaining-relationships-midst-differences/

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