Home Organizational Psychology Leadership Theory E²: Working with Entrepreneurs in Closely-Held Enterprises–V. The Assertive Entrepreneur

Theory E²: Working with Entrepreneurs in Closely-Held Enterprises–V. The Assertive Entrepreneur

14 min read


Assertive entrepreneurs focus on ideas and action. They typically are intolerant of groups—especially nonproductive groups! They are impatient with extended expression of feelings or images of some amorphous desired state. They also tend to grow impatient with extended review of financial or production data, alternative proposals, critical analyses or systematic planning strategies. They want to get on with their work, are willing to devote considerable energy to getting the job done, and are not afraid to get started and readjust the plan once they are underway. Assertive entrepreneurs are usually willing and even eager to take risks. Yet they also want to establish clear lines of authority and responsibility so that nothing will distract them from getting the job done. If the action is not successful the responsible party can readily be identified, provided lines of authority and responsibility are firmly established.

Heifetz suggests five primary tasks for what we are calling the assertive entrepreneur.  First, the assertive entrepreneur should direct attention to the central issues of the closely-held enterprise. Second, he should ensure that information about the organization is gathered and tested. Third, the assertive entrepreneur should manage information and use this information to frame the central issues of the closely-held enterprise. Fourth, he should help to identify and bring together, that is orchestrate, the conflicting perspectives of the organization. Finally, the assertive entrepreneur should pick appropriate decision-making processes with regard to addressing the central issues and conflicting perspectives of the closely-held enterprise.

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