The inspiring entrepreneur also helps to build community and, in her engagement with other members of the organization in defining vision, values and purpose, helps to build commitment to the closely-held enterprise and its mission. The inspiring executive is a person who cares about the welfare of others. She believes strongly that the ends do not always justify the means. Focusing on the intentions of the closely-held enterprise, the inspiring entrepreneur constantly turns to the enduring values of the closely-held enterprise. While the assertive entrepreneur is needed by an organization to bring about necessary change, the inspiring entrepreneur is indispensable in helping to heal the wounds that are brought about by the processes of change and insuring that these changes relate to the organization’s mission.
The inspiring entrepreneur focuses on values, on relationships—and on the ideal state of the closely-held enterprise. Like the assertive executive, the inspiring executive often grows impatient when members of a group dwell too long on facts and figures. The inspiring entrepreneur always wants to know what the human implications are that lie behind these facts and figures and wants to know how these numbers relate to the core values and vision of the closely-held enterprise. The inspiring entrepreneur tends to react negatively to facts and figures because they are often used to ground the organization in so-called reality. Organizations soon lose sight of their vision when they are constantly looking down at their ledgers and policy manuals.
The inspiring entrepreneur, however, grows uncomfortable with the assertive entrepreneur’s desire to charge ahead with a new idea and immediately take action. The inspiring executive often believes that assertive executives take action without considering the human cost and without ensuring that the action leads in the desired direction. The unilateral actions that are taken by assertive executives may destroy relationships, shatter a sense of community and destroy the commitment. The inspiring entrepreneur plays a critical role in a closely-held enterprise when she encourages the closely-held enterprise to build a strong base of trust and support before moving out into a stressful and turbulent world.