Home Organizational Psychology Leadership Theory E²: Working with Entrepreneurs in Closely-Held Enterprises–VII. The Thoughtful Entrepreneur

Theory E²: Working with Entrepreneurs in Closely-Held Enterprises–VII. The Thoughtful Entrepreneur

11 min read

Inspiring and assertive entrepreneurs are also likely to be critical of the thoughtful entrepreneur’s overriding concern for being realistic. Unless some attention is given to the ideal state and to what people really want, rather than just to the current state and what people already have, there will be no incentive to take risks or get on with the job of improving the current state. We can only learn by making mistakes, and the thoughtful entrepreneur is often unwilling to make mistakes, despite his emphasis on learning. The assertive entrepreneur will suggest that an organization only learns by engaging the real world; the inspiring entrepreneur will suggest that an organization only learns when it tries to improve itself and move toward some desired state. There is truth in both these approaches and both offer an important correction to the cautious tendencies of the thoughtful entrepreneur.

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