Home Societal / Political Authority TRUST AND SELF GOVERNANCE


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For the sake of the virtue and history that drives us, I will posit that there is an ideal co-existence and that its possible in our families, our communities, and our world. As of this writing, democracy has not solved all problems. In a way, democracy might be a manifestation of the Authoritarian dilemma, a system produced to address the symptoms but not effective or adaptable enough yet to address all of our grievances. But where does Authoritarianism begin? Trying to pinpoint where in history a pattern of authoritarianism began would only serve to ascribe responsibility and enormous momentum to the phenomenon. Instead, might we consider the reality of Authoritarianism beginning in one’s immediate experience. In each moment of force or violence is an intention and examining the process of an individual’s experience of ‘authoritarianism’ can be more revealing than macro-system or societal approaches.

Authority is a concept built on pretext and precedent. Authority is considered valuable particularly in the organizational structure every culture on the planet participates in – the family. From the family model larger community structures are built, entire paradigms of management, and analogies through which people’s psychological approach to understanding, action and personal significance form. Ignoring the relevance of the family in politics, business, social society, or the family itself is impossible. Without the rest of modern community surrounding it, the family or a relationship between two people is the remaining sustainable unit.

Such a unit can be considered healthy, with no incentive for anyone to hurt each other or any individual in the family. Normal behavior allows for some forms of ‘authority’ between family members – agreements about how to spend money, time, and resources, rules to be enforced that protect children and the family’s future.  Decisions regarding everyone are made and sometimes not everyone gets what they want or a choice. Such behavior I consider healthy and natural. The family’s core position in social role models makes it a universal lens for understanding the process of how authoritarian behavior manifests.

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