Home Societal / Political Authority TRUST AND SELF GOVERNANCE


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Some behaviors the laws criminalize, some methods are not allowed, and some actions are rewarded by institutions that are not just civil, they are facets of the sovereign authority of the Country. There is fascist action in the system, but more importantly there is authoritarian motivation and reward in direct connection with the government. These rewards however come with a deep break in belonging and trust with the entire community, with the priorities of the authority superseding inherent trust.

This relationship of Authority to Institutional operations has been impossible to separate since it was formed, but unless people are happy with an analysis of what is wrong, we must find a new paradigm. To understand the order of operations that leads to authoritarianism, there isn’t room for mitigations. Cognitive dissonance will set in. Unless we acknowledge the dynamic of authoritarianism in our society, we are complicit, in agreement, with each iota of force and abuse the system justifies. The roles people take on can exist without predicated authority and with the sense of belonging and trust that comes with living in a free community.


In healthy agreement, you are there to help the other person do what they do better. From that place the two create standards that are true for each of them. Healthy relationship versus unhealthy relationship is a binary reality, where in one there is a focus on the present that is immediate and reactive, and the other is a predicated understanding that is also immediate and reactive. The implicit agreements necessary for our society are best made by the people involved now. Responsibility and individualism aren’t compatible with a system that refuses to give individuals responsibility. Americans are regulated into categories, and people are free so long as each category operates within its’ sphere.  Often jurisdiction and precedent take priority over even leaders in positions of power, let alone over people asking for exceptions to the rule. In this way ego is supported by the authoritarian construct.

We can identify meritocracy as the problem with democracy and provide equality. Fairness however would be impaired by the authority implicit in an equalization process. The standards a totally equalized society would impose on everyone could not be fair, considering the motivation of the change and the differences between all people. Things like Universal Basic Income would allow for massive transformations in spending and planning in the federal government, yet it is an idea of another system that validates the need for taxation and would not exile authoritarian or fascist requirements from a family’s external society. Macro-manifestations like Hitler’s Germany consist of impositions that ultimately occur for individuals, and even in America the macro-manifestations of authority are not ideal.

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