Those opposites can lead to a distractive pulse that causes an extreme motion, such as split (Klein, 1946) or to fruitful dialog (Rotenberg 1990, Kahana, 2010). In Jewish history, Jewish theosophy and Jewish mysticism: Kabbala and the Hassidic movement, opposites reflect; fragmentation and reparation (Shalom ,1967). In the Hassidic theosophy this two opposites sides are not considered as an extreme dialectical experience, as they exist on one sequence (Rabbi Shneur Zalman Of Liady, Tanya 1772) on not as two negative parts; “good or bad”. Fragmentation represents; crisis, dread, fear breakdown and despair along with reparation that represents; authenticity mental strength and creativity.
By acknowledging and connecting between those opposites, and by beginning a small “emotional movement” (Eigen, 1996) between them, we can create the process that evolves the ability for dialog on the in-personal level and interpersonal level. Furthermore, a creative dialog can reduce extreme behavior and enables inner balance between opposites (Rotenberg 1990). According to the Jewish Hassidic movement and its founder, Rabbi Yisrael H’Baal Shem Tov (1770-1760) any crisis has the potential to turn “upside down” for the good (1794).
H’Baal Shem Tov offers a new method of interpretation to human fragility, by saying that ” in every escalation(crisis) is hidden a spark of elevation” (1793\ 1998). His successor Rabbi Shneur Zalman From Liady (1745-1813) the founder of Chabad Hassidic movement called this mental effort; “Caring Opposites and Unity of Opposites” as he claimed that they are two sides that exist at the same mental sequence (1772). In psychodynamic aspects hope is a dialectical experience. (Mitchell, 1993\2003 p.260). a, 2014). In Psychodrama group psychotherapy, hope is a psychospiritual experience based on a new approach that integrates psychodynamic aspects and Jewish spirituality. This approach is based on a creative theatrical dialog within opposites that can be played on one sequence, such as the Psychodramatic stage.