Home Organizational Psychology Leadership What Keeps High Achieving Women from Choosing Executive Positions: V. Method and Research Design

What Keeps High Achieving Women from Choosing Executive Positions: V. Method and Research Design

32 min read

Marital status:
INTERVIEWS—Five women were married, five were single and not living with a partner. Of the five that were single, two were divorced, leaving three having never been married before. Of the five married women, three made more money than their husbands. Two said their pay was equal. None made less than their husbands.
SURVEY—65% of the women surveyed were married with an additional 9% living with a partner. Of the single women, 15% were divorced, separated or widowed and 12% were never married. Therefore, out of the high-achieving women who answered the survey, 74% were married or living with a partner. Of these women, 70% were the breadwinners in their households and 19% said they earned about the same as their partners. Therefore, only 11% of the women earned less than their partners, and two out of three of these women said this had only been a recent adjustment since they were either changing their profession or starting a new business.

INTERVIEWS—All of the married women had or were recently considering having children. One woman had two children, one woman had three children, one woman had begun the adoption process, one woman was pregnant with her first child, and one woman had just given up trying to have a child after many years. The single women had no children.
SURVEY—Of the women who answered the survey, 44% had no children, which also means 56% had children. Of the women who had children, 84% had two children with only one of the women having three or more children and two having one child.

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