Home Organizational Psychology Leadership What Keeps High Achieving Women from Choosing Executive Positions: V. Method and Research Design

What Keeps High Achieving Women from Choosing Executive Positions: V. Method and Research Design

32 min read

In particular, the interview questions were designed to look for six dimensions of insights and awareness from the women:

What does a typical career path look like? What does theirs look like now? What will it look like in the future?

What has helped them the most to get where they are now? What do they need to help them to succeed in the future?

How do interviewees define success? Has this definition changed with experience? What characteristics do they attribute to success in general and to their own success?

How do the interviewees label themselves? Do they use any metaphors to describe their behaviors? What reasons do they give for taking on these roles and characters? Do they act differently in different situations, both at home and at work?

What are their views about how women are treated in today’s workplace? How does this affect their choices and decisions?

Are they aware of any of their behaviors that get in the way of achieving their goals?

What lessons have they learned about succeeding in the workplace that have helped them to be who they are today?

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