Home Organizational Psychology Leadership What Keeps High-Achieving Women from Choosing Executive Positions: VII. Results: Themes Four and Five

What Keeps High-Achieving Women from Choosing Executive Positions: VII. Results: Themes Four and Five

55 min read

Since they are experimenting and learning instead of just being busy, they are energized not drained by being in constant motion.

Sample interview responses:

(EM) “I’m fueled by passion. I thrive off of having the freedom to create and to make things better.”

(AS) “I don’t see it as running… I like to see places, travel, go overseas, study abroad, take fun classes, try a little bit of everything. Above all, I don’t get too serious and I don’t get trapped in a job.”

(AW) “It’s not so much that I need to sit a project on a shelf and say, ‘I did this.’ Because as soon as I’m done with it I’m ready to do something else…once I’ve accomplished it I feel like, “Well shoot, most people could probably do that. Now what can I do?” I need to be invested. ..and active. I can’t see me not being active.”

(JS) “I’ll tell you I think my whole life has been about persistence, and to never stop trying. Both never stop trying and never stop experimenting, because I think I continue to go through phases where I want to do things that are different or to go someplace different…maybe I’m restless but I think it’s more about curiosity.”

(JE) “I love to learn and then to be creative with what I learn. I like to make it my own. I did that with Master Black Belt, and that’s why they said I broke the mold. I hope to do that in coaching, I hope to make it unique and my own. I can learn what someone else says is coaching, but then I have to take that and make it my own.”

(DK) “I was always working two or three jobs to not only take care of myself and save for school, but because there were so many things I liked to do. For instance, when I was a flight attendant I was also a personal trainer and taught group exercise classes.”

(JS) A friend of hers observed that she was always in motion. “That’s sort of the way I’ve been my whole life. I keep wedging things in. So I’m going to work and then I’m going to school and then I’m going to go teach an aerobics class or reverse that order depending on the day… I’m energized by it.”

(AS) “I checked the wrong boxes on their assessment. I wanted to do sales because I work hard, I’m competitive…I like meeting people, talking to people in a fast-paced environment…but when they asked the question, ‘what do you value most—money, education, recognition?’ I answered recognition, education, and money last. I didn’t get the sales job. They made me a Finance Intake Specialist…I cried every night. I hated it. It was awful. It was sitting in front of a desk. It was so confining and restrictive…I lasted in that job 6 months.”

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